Yesterday I was thinking about how long it had been since I'd posted a blog. Yeah, I know. Too long. In my head, I haven't been all that busy with anything, just too lazy to write one up. If this were my livelihood, we'd be living in a cardboard box right about now, but thankfully it isn't!
So, here's why I've been absent here. This was my yesterday, in no certain order, though mostly chroniological
Wake up at 6:45 for 10 minutes to myself. Be interrupted by the 4 year old 3 minutes later. Make breakfast for me and for him. Make a very important phone call at 7:15. Get the baby up, make his breakfast, feed him. Change everyone's diapers and/or facilitate restroom usage. Look at the fridge/freezer/pantry, assess whether a trip to the store is required. Yes it is, but no I won't get around to it today. Think on that for a bit, then push it aside in favor of things I can do something about.
Bake a berry buckle cake, coconut macarons, and make two batches of Rice Krispie Treats (those are so much harder to stir than I remember as a child). Wash, dry and put away two loads of laundry. Wash and dry a third load of laundry. Make lunch for all of us, none of whom eat the same things. Lol.
Make three more phone calls. Take a call from my husband. Text with my sister after we figure out whether it will be via Facebook or phone this time. Send her a picture of my youngest walking around with half a roll of aluminum foil. Send her a picture of my oldest's haircut (I took off about 4 inches of lovely but untamable curls.)
Mediate at least 15 different disputes between the boys. Negotiate toy usage and turn taking. Remind the youngest to be gentle with our very elderly cat. Smile broadly as he pats her gently and doesnt' actually pull her fur out this time.
Cut up all those rice krispie treats into squares about 2"x 2" in preparation for dipping them in chocolate and adding Christmas sprinkles (going to do that soon!) Try to use the restroom without any special helpers at least 3 times. Fail miserably every time.
Nurse the baby sixish times. Put the baby down for two naps. Play on facebook while baby naps and preschooler watches "Christmas Elmo" for the 43,000th time. (Seriously, the kid won't watch anything else right now.) Attempt to get the Dreidel song out of my head. Fail miserably.
Address three Christmas cards and stuff a couple more. (I'm an underachiever in this area.) Pick up toys over and over and over again. Spend way too much time on facebook and texting. Beat myself up because I SHOULD be doing x, y, and z. Coach myself through letting it go. Think about that song in Frozen and audibly appreciate that I have boys that don't care about Frozen.
Realize that by not going to the grocery earlier, I have no steak for dinner. Convince my hubs to go out (it wasn't that hard). Drive by Christmas lights on the way to the restaurant. Eat in shifts while the baby walks around getting votes for President 2052. Overhear a VERY awkward conversation between a customer and the manager at the restaurant. The customer finally walks out without paying after having eaten almost all of their meal. Commiserate with the server.
Run to Aldi afterward for a few staples. Convince the children to go to sleep. Worry about my husband who apparently had a stress induced headache last night. Pray and meditate. Read and write an assignment for my very important call tomorrow. Collapse into bed.
I did nothing all day, right?
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